ADR principles and practice

Analysing ADR -- The dispute resolution toolkit : a process overview -- ADR philosophies and motivation : common values and differences -- Negotiations -- ADR and the courts -- Arbitration -- Contractual adjudication and other adjudicatory processes -- Mediation : general principles -- Mediation : practice overview -- Civil and commercial mediation -- Divorce and other family mediation -- Neighbourhood and community mediation -- Restorative justice and practices -- Workplace and employment dispute resolution -- Environmental and public issue mediation -- Mediator attributes, skills and roles -- Lawyers' role representing parties in mediation -- Non-binding evaluation ADR processes -- Hybrid processes : med-arb, arb-med, neutral fact-finding expert and ombudsman -- Collaborative processes -- Introduction to dispute resolution psychology -- Working with high conflict parties -- Confidentiality and privilege -- Ethics and values, fairness and power -- Online dispute resolution -- Jurisprudence, forum and law -- ADR regulation, training, funding and insurance -- Enforcement of ADR outcomes -- Future directions -- Appendix I. Dispute resolution organisations -- Appendix II. Drafting, documents and precedents -- Appendix III. Court-related documents and EU directive

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