San Antonio College strives to provide the best information technology (IT) environment to our faculty staff and students. As a San Antonio College student you’ll be able to take advantage of the many technology tools and services available for your use:
Your primary username and password for Alamo Colleges District.
Banner ID
All students are provided with a Banner ID number. This Banner ID will become your official Alamo Colleges District Student ID replacing your social security number for all College transactions.
Wireless Network
Unsecured Guest Account
Over 400 Wireless Access Points are installed all over the Alamo Colleges District. The network facilitates instruction, access to educational materials and enables administrative support. There is no charge to access our wireless connections at the College.
ACES Portal
Secure portal that provides students with access to various applications and services at Alamo Colleges District. Access
Email Account
Each student is provided with an email account. If you are a new student, your account will be created within one business day after you apply for admission. Email accounts are accessed through your ACES portal. Your email address is your ACESID followed by “”: i.e. According to Alamo Colleges District policy, email addresses are the official means of communication for students.
Canvas is the Alamo Colleges District Learning Management System that Faculty can use to deliver course content, communicate to students, enable student interaction and provide online assignments and exams.
Training Workshops
Student Mega Lab, located at MLC 502, offers ongoing workshops for students on use of ACES, Canvas, and other academic technologies. Access the OTS site and select Student Mega Lab to learn more about the course offerings. Walk-In Technical Support is available at MLC 502 between 8:00 – 5:00 p.m. Mon-Fri.
Student Mega Lab
San Antonio College Student Mega Lab is located in the Moody Learning Center, Room 502. Core services include Technology Mentoring, Equipment Loans, Walk-In Technical Support and Technology workshops. SML is staffed by SAC students who can help you find the answers you are looking for.
Computer Labs
There are many Computer Labs across San Antonio College to ensure students have access to technologies for course work. Access “Computer Labs” list to learn more.
Student Printing - GoPrint
GoPrint is a pay-per-use print management system currently implemented at San Antonio College. Students can purchase “cash” cards from dispensers conveniently located around the college or use the credit card to pay for printing. Access “GoPrint Availability” to learn where GoPrint service is offered.
IT Support
For Technical issues, you can contact San Antonio College Help desk at:
210-486-0777 or send an email to
Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
For After Hours Support, Call Alamo Colleges District Help desk at 210-485-0555.
Alamo Colleges District ITS Help desk Operational Hours:
Mon. - Fri. 8:00 am- 12:00 Midnight
Sat. 12:00 Noon - 9:00 pm
Sun. 12:00 Noon - 9:00 pm
IT Policy
Alamo Colleges District maintains an IT Acceptable Technology Use Policy to ensure that the technology infrastructure promotes the basic mission of Alamo Colleges District and provides appropriate services to all Alamo Colleges District computer/technology users.
The Office of Technology Services (OTS) Service Center provides walk-in support services to students, faculty and staff of San Antonio College. At the Service Center, clients can receive assistance with password resets, email and wireless setup, basic technical assistance, equipment checkouts, document scanning and faxing services. The Service Center is located in the Moody Learning Center 2nd (MLC) 207.